Monday, August 20, 2012

Copy Cat Love Story

Today, I thought about the personality of God.  Since moving to the Dallas Metroplex area, I have experienced a wealth of spiritual lessons. Allow me to share the following:

God Says:

When you speak to me, I speak to you.

When you are a blessing to others, I bless you.

When you sacrifice your time for my benefit, I give you more days.

When you curse me, I allow Satan to curse you.

When you go through the fire, I step in it with you and forbid it to burn you.

When you love your enemies, I protect you.

When you provide for the man of God, I provide for you with overflow.

When you ignore me, I ignore you.

When you have strong faith, I bring it to fruition.

When you thank me for daily bread, I provide it.

When you allow your flesh to be in charge, my Word can not help you.

When you treat strangers with kindness, I assure you get it in return.

When you take care of the fatherless, I am your Father.

When you send up your praises to me, I send my blessing upon you.

When you work for me, I work for you.

When you forsake all riches for me, I give them back to you.

When man take charge of his household for my kingdom, I build his.

When you give to me, I give it back with interest...

My friends, there is nothing that beats the God-man relationship! Nothing!

Truly I am,

Apostle Lockley

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