Monday, November 12, 2012

Men ought to always pray!

Wake up men, Pray!

In Christian doctrine, God is recorded as creating male before the female. God makes the world livable through a serious of stages mentioned in the book of Genesis, then He forms man. The story emphasizes how he made man and gave him dominion and power over everything in the earth realm. This is exhibited by man, known as Adam, giving a name to every creature God created and brought before him.

God is recorded in Genesis as putting man in a deep sleep and extracting one of his bones (ribs) from his side and creating the woman, Eve. Eve represented the completeness of Adam. Her strength was Adam’s weakness. Together, the couple had perfection in sustaining their earthly throne.

Man was created to rule whatever he declares his domain. Therefore, his wife, children, and home belongs to him. He is to rule over them with love and not a rod. Because he loves what is his, he provides and protects them. It is his love that dictates his power over them. His love is also steered into play by his connection to the Father. God, in return, shares in man’s responsibility to rule in his domain.

A man who has God, is a man who rules well. Men ought to always pray because without the Godly connection in life, it is easy to be sidetracked with the snares and darts the enemy launches each day. In fact, the enemy is known by the name, accuser of the brethren, because he reports to God all the sinful acts and desires that man indulges in. The accuser hopes that God will give him permission to destroy that man.

Men ought to always pray because, God sometimes allow the enemy to interfere with our daily living. As a man out of touch with God, the accuser does not need God’s permission, because a backsliding man is already out of God’s covering. The accuser then acts as the devil, to destroy that backsliding man unto death, if he could and sometimes does.

When a man prays, he stands under the protection of God. Through the gospel of Jesus Christ, he stands in the blood of Jesus and is seen as perfect in God’s view; God then responds with the Fatherly love that man has for his wife and family. God’s provision to man becomes man’s provision to his household.

Note: A man’s prayer covers his entire generation, and everything he is connected to. (Study the Abraham and Lot story- God did not destroy Lot’s family in Sodom and Gomorrah, even though they were in a backslidden state. He provided a way of escape for them if they really wanted out. God told Abraham his intentions to destroy the cities beforehand, and because of their relationship, saved Lot’s family)

Truly I am,

Apostle Lockley

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